Engage, Share, Learn

Agile Tour is not like any other conference in the agile calendar.
You won't sit through any PowerPoint presentations,
Agile Tour is entirely workshop based.
You'll engage with other like minded agilists in a shared learning experience.

Keep Sharing - Keep Learning!

90 Minutes To Raise The Bar

Not Just Yours, But The Bar of Those Around You


It all start with just an idea...

Interested to facilitate your thoughts through a workshop?.

2023 workshops



This fun, hands-on session will illuminate the powerful role of Flow Mapping (a kind of Value Stream Mapping) in improving the speed of delivery for agile teams. FlowMapping involves systematically documenting the time tasks spend in each column on our board. Our ultimate objective is to reduce the overall time it takes for work to get done ("flow time").

Flow Mapping fosters a culture of ongoing improvement by stimulating conversations that may otherwise remain unexplored. FlowMapping often provides critical insights that can remain concealed in team workflows, offering your team new avenues for innovation and optimisation. We see the bottlenecks, and the solutions, clearly for the first time.

by Kynan Hughes


Visualising Complexity

Are you trying to influence change? STOP! Take a deep breath and Think! Do you clearly understand the system you operate in?
This workshop will offer you a good toolkit that will help you increase your chances to succeed in your next attempt influencing your organisation or community to improve and achieve greatness.

Let's Identify downstream and upstream effects, find patterns and agree on leverage points towards the North Star.

by Marc Florit



Join us to see who can build the biggest and best Agile Framework empire.

Play Agilopoly with like minded agilists, collecting agile practices into your framework to build wealth for you and your colleagues.

How will your empire grow? Will you collect Team practices or will you focus on scaling across the enterprise? Whatever you choose, this is guaranteed to be a fast-paced, high energy, co-created learning experience with a lot of fun and a surprising twist.

by PM Partners


Breaking the wheel: a different take on organisational agility

There have been many Agile transformations in Australia over the last two decades.

Many of them have been with organisations having tried for a second, third or fourth time to get it right, and yet still there are more failure stories of whole organisations slipping backwards rather than keeping their momentum forwards or even keeping their new status quo.

So why is this occurring? It is the wheel. In this session discover the hidden wheel inside of your organisation and what can be done to break the wheel.

by Renee Trougthon


Build Better Products

A hands on session to learn the tips and tricks of building great products. Join Mandar Karlekar (Product Rocket) and Rohini Sharma ( for a practical session on how to take an idea from concept to launch. You will learn about different frameworks involved, best practices and approach on what it takes to create products that users will love.



Telling Team Tall Tales

Does your team tell tall tales?
The fibs, untruths and white lies that we tell ourselves that reveal our aspirations, wants and needs.

Are these tall tales telling of the team?
What do we learn about the team's culture through their use of tall tales?

What are your tall team tells?
The clues, behaviours, nuances that reveal our beliefs and values.

Let's explore and express our teams' culture (the values, beliefs and behaviours) through the creation of cultural artifacts that represent the team.

Our story telling of these artifacts will reveal the deep innner tells and tall tales of your team. What to do next? Tell the tall team tales of course.

by Dave Bales


Leadership Mindsets: Distributed Decision-Making

I recently helped a program of work in a large complex environment double their strategic throughput. There are five questions you need to answer to do this with your company and in this session, we're going to go deep on the hardest one to answer correctly; how will authority work?

In this workshop at AgileTour, you will explore the critical aspects of transitioning from centralised decision-making to a distributed authority model within organisations. The session will begin by emphasising the importance of recognising the existing problems in decision-making processes as a prerequisite for change. It will shed light on the often-unseen costs of centralised decision-making, which can lead to inefficiencies and demotivation within teams.

by Remote AF


Breakout Room Coaching – Easy, Fast, and Effective

Have you ever wondered what you are supposed to do with small teams doing activities in your trainings or workshops? “They look like they’re doing okay…” you think to yourself, and “they’re fine! I should just leave them alone and wander around.” And then you wander around virtual breakout rooms or tables in a large room not really saying much as a coach or trainer. After all, how much can you really coach a table when you only have like 2 minutes available per table during a 10-minute activity?

Yes, you can still coach and teach in those moments where you only have a minute or two! Using a simple process, you can learn 3 easy steps that enable you to coach rapidly across many breakout rooms in just a few minutes. Join us as we explore “Breakout Room Coaching” - the easy, fast, and effective way to coach small groups!

by Alex Sloley


Define Your Dare: uncover your personal purpose

In the wise words of Dr Seuss, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Your purpose is the essence of you! So what energises you and makes you tick?

Join Cherie Mylordis and Jody Weir for an interactive session to discover the key elements of a powerful personal purpose, and learn how to define yours to inspire and guide you in life and work.

by Jody and Cherie


Community Open Space

How communities can strive in post-pandemic 2023?

As a community, we will use the Open Space Technology format to create our own agenda and record the resulting discussion.

Then, all the most important issues to those attending will be included in the agenda.

All the issues raised and worked on are addressed by the participants best capable of getting something done about them.

All the most important ideas, recommendations, discussions, and next steps are recorded and shared back.

by Alidad & Dave Witney

Workshop is about work!

the work of showing up, the work of doing, the work of being present

The idea of doing this work in a shop,
in a place for making, where work is shipped— changes everything.

Mostly, it changes you, and who you share it with!

It moves you forward and helps you see what you’re actually capable of.

Agile Sydney Community

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